Class 3: A Call To Prayer (Intercessory Prayer)

The line is open for Prayer request.

  • Give God Thanks and Praise
  • Life Circumstances
  • Believe God’s word
  • Receive God’s word

Date: Every Monday of each month except for the 5thMonday and on Holidays

Time: 7:15pm –8:15 EST

Attend by dialing this number:

Conference Call: 978-990-5000

Code: 259465

Please confirm your participation.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men.

–1 Timothy 2:1

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Event Detail

Virtual Event

Extra Info

The line is open for Prayer request every Monday of each month except for the 5th Monday and on Holidays from 7:15pm–8:15 EST